Drop Me a Line Anytime at ArtofOnlineIncome@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Good morning to all! I hope that everyone's day is going well so far and stays good! Now that I have finished managing my laptops crisis(temper-tantrum) and have Firefox working again(it erased all bookmarks and other misdeeds) I can bring you another traffic exchange to help with getting referrals!

I bring you Sweeva! This is a traffic exchange unlike any other. On this site you don't get your site thrown into a random rotation for surfers to see but rather you 'bid' for a time slot for your site to be seen. Example.

You bid 150 credits to get your website shown between 5 p.m and 6 p.m. and chose to have your site shown 4 times(you can choose to have your site shown between 1-4 times per hour) if you have bid too low your bid will be accepted and you will be notified the exact time your site will be shown. For this example lets say it shows at 5:16 p.m. You will pay your 150 credits and then your site will be shown at that time and up to three more times during the hour(s) you selected(paying the bid price for each showing) or until the credits you assigned to that site run out. On Sweeva 1 credit=1 view(hit) so, after the bid price is paid, if you have 500 credits toward your site it will get 500 views! The important thing about being able to pick what hour of the day your site is viewed is you can play around with what hour(s) your site gets viewed. The response it gets may be better at a particular time of day.

Also, on Sweeva you don't just pick the time your site is shown and place bids, members have ranks and levels that they rise through the more they surf(gaining experience) which unlocks great features like being able to 'remember' a site or tweet a site. Members can always post comments about your page/website and vote(thumbs up, thumbs down, or unsure) which shows you how well your site has been received! Higher up in the levels/ranks you can put a caption above the comments box which can be a special highlight about your site or a personal message to your viewers, whatever you feel is best. They also have an increasing surf bonus for every consecutive day you surf 10+ sites on Sweeva!

Finally they have "The Site of the Day" also known as SOTD,  which is where a user has place a bid and won to be Site of the Day. Every member of Sweeva is offered 100 experience to view and rate(thumbs up, down, or unsure) this site. This means that nearly every member that logs into Sweeva that day will see your site!

In closing Sweeva is innovative and delivers spectacular traffic to your site and provides direct communication with fellow surfers and I highly recommend it! I suggest that you let your credits build up to a couple thousand before you start bidding for your site to be viewed due to the fact that credits get used up so quickly here.

Disclaimer: I have not earned cash commissions with this Traffic exchange yet and therefore cannot confirm nor deny whether they pay. Invest money at your own risk. As soon as I can verify they are a PAYING site I will post it here on this blog. Until that time I am only endorsing that they provide excellent traffic quality.

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